Oh friends & loyal blog readers, I have missed you!
I have another confession!
Ahem, here it goes!....At the beginning of this week I made the concious decision to take at least a week off, a siesta lets say, from using my personal page on Facebook. No, this isn't the first time I have done this. Last time I was able to make it a few months without signing back on....I have mixed feelings about it because I love networking with my friends and sharing photos of our children. I like seeing my friends & family photos and status updates too. My seester T posts some wonderful motivational quotes and photos sometimes that make my day! I try my best to send uplifting messages to my friends and schedule social activities via: the newsfeed whenever possible. But I have a problem, and I will admit it. "My name is B, and I am addicted to Facebook."
It wasn't so bad before I was introduced to my IPhone. Yeah, yeah blame it on Apple. But seriously, now that I have one of these fabulous phones it certainly makes things like Facebook that much more accessible. Oh and my willpower much weaker in this case. I feel like I jump onto Facebook at least 5 times a day, I don't want to miss out if someone is having a bad day, found a shopping deal, or if they ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at 2:00...
In this day and age so many people are using social media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc to keep in contact with others, promote their business etc. I am all for it, but it also allows some to neglect the old fashioned communication I love. Writing a card to let someone know you are thinking of them or simply picking up the phone to chat. Being a domestic diva, or SAHM (stay at home Mom) I prefer to keep in close contact with my friends to keep my sanity some days. Believe me I don't regret for one minute having the days to spend laughing with our daughter or running our son to baseball! But I do miss the banter with clients and getting out of the house to socialize more often. So Facebook helps me feel connected.
My biggest pet peeve about Facebook is that some people, who shall remain nameless, feel like they stay updated on my life based only on what I post. By reading the regular status updates, this must mean that they know everything going on with me. So not true. I will put things like, "First baseball game of the season", or "I made a delicious red velvet cookie recipe today"...but when it comes down to putting the really important stuff I just don't do it. I don't know why really, because I try my best to only "add" people who I know and who I would say hello to in person if I saw them. I don't care if I have 12 friends or 200, as long as it includes the people who I truly care about. But if our house floods from the refrigerator water line (true story) or my child breaks a bone from jumping off a loft bed (true story) it will not being broadcast for all to see. I will not allow my whole entire life to be on the newsfeed, only about 75%. :-)
I have a second confession in this blog. Yes, it is sad but I have cheated on my "Siesta from Facebook" this week. It started out great. I wasn't checking it, or even contemplating "sneaking a peek" until day 3. Old habits die hard. One of the most difficult things so far has been closing down my jewelry FB page as well, because it was tied to my personal page. I designed two new sparkly necklaces today and couldn't wait to share them with my supporters. My own silly rules were broken and I added the jewels to the TwoSeesters page. So busted, I didn't last long.
Maybe I just should start next week when I "officially" sign back on by just limiting myself to the amount of posts and photos I put up. Sometimes I wonder if people are tired of seeing my two smiling children day after day. But I can't help it, I want to share the joy that they give me with others! In reality, will I make it until next week before I sign back on? Hmmm...
I am curious, how many of you think you could take a week long break from Facebook and no cheating? Hey! There could always be worse things to be hooked on right?! Smoking, gambling or buying shoes. Oh wait, I love shoes! But that would be a whole seperate blog... :-)
Could YOU make it a week?
Embrace Your Sparkle,
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