Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thanks for finding me

Celebration Reasons~Reasons to Celebrate
I love any reason to celebrate.  Celebrate today, celebrate my people, celebrate my family, celebrate St. Patty's Day, celebrate 4th of July, celebrate what-ever I can...here's a link if you need a reason today to celebrate.


When this time to celebrate, me came along...I wanted to still celebrate my family and friends...I feel as if they reflect little mosaic pieces of myself by who they are.  To some this might not make a bit of sense, but to me it is how I color my world.  I admired those around me as my friends started to arrive - and I felt so loved. Each of them so incredibly different, yet connected not only through me - But, by traits, traces, and triumphs that each one of them have or have experienced.  It is one of those moments when I had to ask myself - How did I get to be so fortunate?  There is never enough time for me to spend with my friends, and time marches on - I either can turn up the volume and take the lead - or in this case, sit back and watch as my lil mosaics take charge. 

I think that B was right when she spoke words that there'd be new friendships established.  I'd like to think that I'd take it up a notch and say those who were acquaintances just might hug or high five next time, and the ones who've been fortunate enough to know one another forever and a day were there to liven up the ride reminded of their comfort zones and in some cases stretching it just enough and enjoying what was at the other end...TRUTH:  Life is beautiful. FACT:  But, not as beautiful as my friends....

Limo Excursion & "The Nugget"
If I didn't have the Vodka Crew with me....Nugget would have gone by another name that day.

TRUTH:  My friends like vodka.  FACT:  They love it so much, they all bought some at the store, and then claimed they didn't know the other bought some also...

The Limo ride was half the fun.  The conversations that ensued, I only wish that I was a part of each one...There was convo about how I knew each person (I repeated this throughout the day, and as the wine consumption continued, my stories changed [on purpose] to add some excitement for myself.  Not a soul questioned me.  Sorry if you all find out I gave you different occupations, ways I met you, and so forth...Should make the wedding that much more entertaining.)

The ladies were singing, talking, saluting, taking crotch shots, windows up/windows down, laughing, and having a great time.  I again took several moments to look around and see my beauties having a good time, and in typical fashion - wished it were more often.  It's never enough time with any of them....
TRUTH:  Madonna's "Like a Virgin" blasted. The Nugget laughed loud enough that I heard him over my friends, all the way in the waaaay back seat.
FACT:  Not one of these ladies is a virgin. Some weren't even born when the song came out. But, every single one of them sang along, at the top of their lungs.  It was beautiful.

Loading and unloading in the limo was a feat that I think we tackled head on...for this rowdy group of friends, we didn't do too bad. 
TRUTH:  We were for the most part on time  FACT:  The Nugget, got the most crotch shots...his height challenge, was an advantage.

The Nugget not only went to bat...But, like one person said, it was like he was a little chihuahua with a big bite.  He notified the only visually attractive, just doing my job fella with his lil mad dog persona that he wouldn't be bringing anyone else here on his on accord.
TRUTH:  I didn't like Domain Chandon anyhow... FACT:  I certainly will stick to Mumm....AND NEVER GO TO DOMAIN~EVER!

Musical friends...Yes, it's true I'm the mother of rules.  I told them they must sit with someone else-Always pushing the envelope, but in a T kinda way.  I don't think they listened to me after a while, but it worked in the beginning. 

Wine Tasting
TRUTH:  I love wine tasting  FACT:  I couldn't tell you that day much about any of the vintages, except for one~So, not focused on the wine...just my friends.
Berringer was the first stop on the arranged list.  Thanks to one of my friends, they were able to hook us up there and we did have a wonderful time-My shout out to thank you for setting it up~You know who you are.  It was a first for some, and others it was old hat.  The special treat there was that my girlfriend who set up the tasting - Her family's grapes are used in one of the vintages that we tasted, and if I had to remember anything about the wines~I do remember that specific tasting, and it was spectacular.  The photo below is of that tasting.

People were mingling and learning new things about one another.  Some were admiring the grounds and a few made the trek to the bathroom....ALL the stinking way upstairs!  Remember my heels?

Rutherford Grove, was a nice addition to the trek, I'd never had been there before and certainly will be returning.  A thank you to my girlfriends who brought the goodies to snack on, you know who you are.  And another special thank you to the one who set up this tasting!!  Indeed while we were there the creepy man that needed to borrow my i-Phone charger took our group photo.  So, instead of asking us to say, "CHEESE" for the photo prompt, he said say, "Vibrator"...TRUTH:  Well, that set everyone who heard him off on another tangent. FACT:  I just may have said "Size D Battery" instead, that's if I'm being honest.

Our third stop was Andretti Winery...truly breath taking location.  Maybe it was because we had started our day with mimosas, than wine tasting, and everything in between...But, I do want to return here.  The art exhibit wasn't a favorite, because it wasn't something I'd buy.  But, I did choose two pieces I liked that were displays of positive and negative space.  I just didn't like the others...disarray on canvas...my life's canvas can have so much disarray in it already, that I'm good without admiring it as a piece of art.

The day was working out to be just an incredible display of those who surrounded me...I was blessed.  Than it happened-The table...These crazies!  (And why I love them.)  The discussion went from zero to a million in a minute.  They were all over the place...Fear could be a word that set in for some.  For the others, they are now reading 50 Shades of Grey...and the next wine tasting experience, I can only imagine.  There was topics of discussion that were going on that I'm more than certain would have never escaped the lips of these ladies...but, this round table brought it out of them...TRUTH:  Things were said that could turn heads anywhere else.  FACT:  I think we scared the wine educators away, I mean we ended up with three different ones.  The poor last girl told us she cried several times throughout the day, until she got to us.  Poor thing, I hope she gets a teaching job.

End of Day~Kept on Going...For Some it was a Sleepover
It was the end of our transportation, and there were some who couldn't stay longer, and others who were probably ready to go home after the last stop with these crazies!  But, there were ones who stayed, and as we got dropped off downtown...had a tequila shot, and a few snacks...NO dinner! More alcohol, dancing, discussions, and disruption...We all had a good time. 

In the morning, I was looking through some of the photos with a friend, and she said "OH GOD! It's like The Hangover, looking at the photos this morning!  I don't remember THAT!"  I made this collage for you to only get a sweet clip-into our lives...as I can only say...with tears in my eyes...that I am grateful for each one of you~More than you'll ever know.

So, if you take anything from this blog...take a moment to reflect on your friends.  You have chosen them for reasons...love them-daily.

TRUTH:  Thanks for finding me...over and over...and over again.  FACT:  I can never repay you for who you are to me.  I promise to keep loving you, with all of my heart.

For those of you who missed out...All I can say is being the opportunist I am...Let's go AGAIN!

See you all July 14th...ready to make more memories....& a special thank you to each of you for being there.

Love Deeply, Live Out Loud, & Live Your Dash,

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T's Bachelorette Part-ay! Wait, no a classy wine tasting day to celebrate T!

For those of you who didn't know...my beautiful sister T is soon to be married and we had a fabulous time this weekend celebrating her upcoming nuptuals.  For those of you who were there, you might have to put a note in the comment section if I missed a detail or quoted incorrectly later...And as we agreed to with the ladies there, all names will be left out to protect the innocent.

It all began approximately six weeks ago, when a few of T's bridesmaids and I asked her what she wanted to do for her bachelorette party.  Being a modest lady like she is, at first she didn't want anyone to take the time and make the effort for her.  Once we convinced her she is WORTH the effort and coordination, she agreed to having a special day in her honor.  A few ideas were tossed around, and we finally settled on a wine tasting tour via limo.

Now fast forward six weeks ahead.  The big day had arrived.  We had everyone set to arrive on time (except me, because unfortunately I am always late), the limo was set on schedule for pick up, T and her gals had their celebration-wear on...T had a hot pink bachelorette crown ready to top off her already fantastic, outfit and she was wearing even more amazing shoes!! Side note: I wish we still had the same size feet, I would be trying to borrow those babies.  They were black, strappy, and had about a 5 inch stiletto heel.  She was a rockstar and wore them the entire day too!  No flip flops to change into half way through the day for this bachelorette!  Nope, she made me proud!

The chatter in the room while waiting for the limo was happy and everyone was giving and receiving hugs. T is truly surrounded by a wonderful group of friends, that have been there with her throughout the years.   She has many fond memories of them all, and considers them sisters.   I feel lucky to have been part of her special day and to meet everyone that was able to make it.   Everyone was great, and our home town raises some amazing ladies! 

Our first fun detail was that we were driven around in style and by a limo driver named Eddie.  Who I might mention, he was all of about 5 feet tall and full of spunk.  But we will get back to the spunk part later.  One of the ladies lovingly of course, mentioned that we had our own little "Nugget" to chauffeur us around.  (Note: Nugget is a name used on the late night show Chelsea Handler)  Eddie pulled up in a black, stretch Hummer limo.  Elite Limosuine pulled out all the shots and wowed us with their car and service!  (And no, we are not getting paid to mention them in this blog. But we should be. No, seriously, just kidding)

We all climbed into the limo on time, after a group photo and some excitement in the air!  We headed onto our first stop, which was a scheduled tasting at Beringer Winery.  The energy in the air, the laughs, and the happy voices were a great indicator our day was going to rock.  Ok, ok and maybe some mimosas too!  We made it just a few minutes late to our first scheduled tasting, but we pulled up, and were ready to celebrate!

Our group was seperated into several tables of 6 per table, which I think was a blessing in disguise.  It made some of us branch out and sit next to another person that we might not have, if we were all at one big table.  It made us mingle more, and learn more about the other gals that were on this trip.  Oh, and I might mention that T made a rule in the limo that at each stop, when you got back into the car, you could NOT sit next to the same person.  Mix it up gals, get out of your comfort zone a bit? 

I heard conversations at this point, of how people met T.  How many children each lady had, or if they had children.  How long people have been married.  Have you been wine tasting before?  It was a great flow of conversation all around and you could tell there were definitely going to be some new friendships at the end of the day!

From there, we made it to our next scheduled tasting, and had lunch at at picnic area.  While at the second location, T loaned her I-phone charger to a random stranger, because she is cool like that...and this guy would not leave our group alone.  It started out with him offering to take our group photo..and all the while, he took this as an invitation to ask what types of things each lady liked to do when they were "alone" with their husbands/boyfriends etc.  This dude had to go.  He wanted to know all of the details, what colors of "toys" people used, do you like this or that?   Annoying to say the least.  I mean, I know, how can you resist this beautiful group of women really?  But this dude was going too far!  And his wife/girlfriend was in the same tasting room!   So we finally exited the tasting room to enjoy a beautiful picnic lunch that several of T's guests had put together.

I will note that througout the day, I would sneak a peek at T and she was glowing. She looked radiant and was really enjoying her day. I loved seeing her so happy!

After having our second scheduled tasting for the day, we were free to stop wherever T wanted to go for the rest of the day.  We stopped at a winery that served "Bubbles" or champagne.  We pulled up, and all of us piled out onto the beautifully landscaped, lush grounds and waited to go inside.  The key word was waited.  There was one little, ahem, problem.  This location actually had a security guard, he looked more like a bouncer, which I thought was weird for such a classy place..blocking the entrance.  Some of our gals were blinded by his stature, and looks.  After all, women do love a man in uniform right?  He was dressed in all black, probably stood over 6 feet tall and he had a head piece/radio on to contact the inside of the winery with details of groups entering etc.  Well, apparently on this day, they were not accepting groups larger than 9.  If your group was larger than 9, then they only availability there was for you was a ridiculously priced tasting.  We were frustrated. 

Now here is the comical part.  Our little "nugget" of a limo driver, Eddie, got out and went to bat for us!  He actually got into a heated discussion with this security guard, who stood about a foot taller than him mind you.  This resulted in our group just deciding to be mature about it and move on. But we were impressed that Eddie was ready to kick some bootie, or rather kick some knees for us to go in. 

Everyone was still in great spirits, and we loaded up to the next location.  This was Mario Andretti's winery.  One of my favorite things I saw all day was here, a t-shirt that said, " If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."  Maybe that's why I have a history of so many speeding tickets?  I should've been a race car driver?  Just a thought...Anyway, there was an art show going on, and an artist was displaying his designs for sale.  The Andretti winery was very accomodating, beautiful and comfortable.  T's group ultimately ended up outside sitting all together at a large, round, table sharing their wine and a view up close and personal of the vineyard.  We had two personal "pourers" who would come out to our table from time to time and refill our glasses with the next wine.

The conversations at this table were hilarious and notably one of the other highlights of this day!  It ranged from T's wedding day, to scenes from one particular popular book called "50 Shades of Grey" to "techniques".  I am not the one who will say what kind of "techniques", but I am sure your imagination can fill in the gaps!  Some of us had read the book "50 Shades of Grey" and others had not. But I am pretty sure after hearing about it, those of us that have not read the book, are going to!

One last detail I will share with you is a sweet memory from the limo ride.  (In saying sweet, I mean "fun", not sweet like candy.)  We blasted all different tunes while driving from location to location. Selections ranged from 80's to rock, to everything in between.  But only one song had every single lady singing and dancing in their seats with a smile on their face.  Everyone knew the words to this anthem, it was classic Madonna!  "Like a V*rg*n". 


It made me happy to know that T is surrounded by such a great sisterhood of so many ladies that love her!  There is something to be said about friendships, going through thick and thin, enjoying the good times as well as being there for each other in the bad times.  She is truly worth every ounce of coordination it took to make this day happen and then some!  I hope that she never doubts in her heart of hearts how much she is cared for, and carries the memories of the bachelorette party with her from years to come! 

Oh, and lets not forget the fun we are going to have in just a few short weeks at T's wedding to her groom "S".  Let the good times & memories roll!  Stay tuned...

Embrace Your Sparkle,


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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

If B Ruled The World.

Well let me first say I have never intended to rule the world.  Well, maybe I would love to rule the fashion world...but that's not what we are talking about here.  So with that being said, there are certainly things I would love to have changed in the world. 

HUNGER. I agree with T, every person on this planet should be able to fill their bellies with delicious and healthy food whenever the growl of hunger hits.  Each of us has the power to help one another, either by volunteering to help at a food bank if you are low on cash.  Or cleaning out your pantry and donating a thing or two.  This is something that most of us remember at times like the holidays, but people are hungry all year round.  So if you are "Spring Cleaning" your children's rooms, or garage, maybe "Spring Clean" your pantry too and take the goodies to the local food bank.  Start a food drive with a local group you are affiliated with. Girl or Boy Scouts, Moms of the Hills, Your Child's School, Your Office, etc.  I used to do this, and I personally have lacked on this subject since we have moved from our home town...but I need a kick in the pants to get moving on this myself. 

ha ha!

CLOTHING.  There have been times where I have volunteered at our sons school and seen children with shoes that don't fit, or going to school in the rain with no jacket.  In one incident when our son was in kindergarten, I pulled the teacher aside and asked her to find out what size shoes the boy wore so that I could anonymously purchase him a pair of shoes.  What do you know?  The boy showed up at school the following week with a new pair of kicks.  

The first year our son attended his current school, I noticed a child had a pair of shoes with a hole in the toe.  I came home and told my husband about it, and came up with an idea to fund raise for kids that need these things.  I made a meeting with the principal, and she told me that their school had a "budget" for backpacks, shoes, jackets etc and that it was up to the teachers to let her know when they saw someone in need.  She asked me if I knew who the boy was so she could "take care it".  No, I had no idea who the boy was!  We just started to attend this school and had no way to let her know, so I struck out, but not for lack of trying.  Sometimes all it takes is being aware of what's around us, and the people around us.

NO BULLYING IS ACCEPTABLE!  There is no bullying acceptable in any situation.  There is a difference between picking and bullying.  It is ridiculous that others depend on treating people like crap to boost their own self esteem.  I was a victim of bullying during my elementary school years, because I was overweight.  OK, yeah I was a chubba wubba.  However by high school, I had started to thin out and there were still a few incidents.  On graduation night a boy from our class actually pulled me aside and apologized for being such a jerk to me.  I am over the bullying, but when you are a child it really affects your self confidence.  The sad part is that bullying is much easier due to modern technology, the computer and cell phones.  It is up to us to make sure that our children are A) not a victim of bullying or B) Are NOT the bully.

LONELINESS.  I agree with T.  Loneliness is not an emotion anyone should feel.  I think alot of the time, people can avoid feeling lonely by reaching out.  Reach out to friends, or family members.  If someone is not around, then maybe to a Senior Center or somewhere where they can meet new people.  Pick up the telephone.  Take a road trip to see someone you care about.  Don't let yourself become a victim to loneliness.  Besides, if you can take the time to help others out you will meet other people with like interests and kick your loneliness in the batootie.

EDUCATION.  My feeling is it is up to us as parents, aunts, uncles, and friends to be active in our children's education.  Unfortunately in my experience to date, with budget cut backs, etc teachers have their hands tied with how much educational material they have to provide to our children in a short amount of time.  And how about how large classrooms are these days?  So many students per class, which is more difficult for the one teacher to spread themselves thin and try to educate each child to their ability.  So it is up to us to pick up the slack, where the children need to learn math skills, practice their spelling etc.  Jump in, and donate what materials your teacher cannot afford to help make educating our children easier.  Just a thought.

On another education note, I also believe you are never too or too young old for an education. I don't just mean college, but if college is your goal then by all means get to it!  I think that education comes in all shapes and sizes: you can learn hands on, from reading, from others, and of course at school.  If you're someone that wants to become a doctor or a dentist, of course a college education is in your future.  But if you are going to be a boutique owner, or a barista then you may have another educational path.  You are never too old to learn and everyone isn't cut out for college.  Don't look down on yourself if that is not your path...embrace where you are meant to be and run with it!

Look, I am not a saint and I don't claim to be in the least.  Believe me, I can be better at some of these things myself.  I am not perfect and I can do more.  We can all do more.  I never intended to rule the world, but we can all make a change.  A small change could be a good place to start.  Or just thinking about it can be the start of making a difference.  Don't go beyond your means, financially or emotionally but sometimes all it takes is a kick in the right direction.  At least for me. :-)

Pinned Image
***And it could just be "giving someone or giving a cause" your time...it doesn't always mean financially.**

Embrace Your Sparkle,

B Pin It

If I ruled the world

I can be certain of a few things besides death and taxes...and that is if I ruled the world-I certainly wouldn't buy them a coke!


Although inviting to live in perfect harmony, somehow I don't think that a coke would do it these days. 

If I ruled the world, there would be no world hunger.

How can you make the difference?  You can donate even 1 can of food at a food drive, every little bit helps someone else.  You can make a contribution to an organization like:  http://help.feedingamerica.org/site/PageServer?pagename=GiveAMeal&s_src=Y12X1PGAM&s_subsrc=FoodCharity-donatetofoodcharity&gclid=CKC5-c6iurACFegbQgodpHG-mw  Or give your time at times of need with your local agencies who need man power to make things happen. There is always something you can do. 

This IS in your backyards people...Be the change.

If I ruled the world, there would be no bully's on the playgrounds, neighborhoods, day cares, or any which place on our planet.

What can you do to make a difference?  You can stand up for people who you're witness to this happening.  You can have a voice in times when someone has lost theirs, or has never had the strength before, or maybe never has had someone in their lives to be the difference...You could be it!  The power of ONE is beyond measurement.  You can teach your children, your nieces, your nephews, your neighbor...You have the power to change today!

If I ruled the world, there would be no loneliness.  Time changes us all.  We grow older and there are times when we think we're wiser from life's experiences, and maybe we are...But, with what we've learned why don't we do more with it?  I know there are many elderly who're sitting alone full of knowledge of yesterday, and the yesterday's before that...Full of OUR history. 

What can you do about growing older?  When that history is gone...It's gone for good.  Why not have a seat next to one of the most beautiful people in the world (see above the beauty)  and Cherish the history that is 'his' story to tell...find someone to be an active listener to, it will be good for you and good for them...the gift of yesterday is just as worthy as today's gift.  We wouldn't have this quote if someone wasn't paying attention to Eleanor Roosevelt to begin with.

If I ruled the world, education would provide beyond what is 'expected'...I'm a strong believer in knowledge is power.  Power as in strength...thus providing more of you with a fulfillment that you can change the world....Education is so incredibly valuable, and it seems as if it is taken so lightly, with no thought-because it just is.  What if we had no education system put in place?  What would happen?  Would you do more bartering, and trading?  Would you be able to maintain a lifestyle, let alone, a life the way you 'feel' you are worth?  Would it change worth and 'status' to be defined as something other than we know it today?  Think about it...How much are you willing to invest into your future?  I can tell you that your education is worth so incredibly much...and if you're lucky enough to have certain book wisdom's come your way naturally, what a gift it would be to share with someone who is struggling.

Read the Staggering! Facts...either by clicking the link, or somehow enlarging the photo...sad truth is, we are evolving...that we are sure of-But, do we like where we're headed?  Make a difference in our future dentists, doctors, highway patrol, grocery store clerks, computer technicians, arborists, exterminators, and on and on...How can you do 1 thing that will make a change in someones life who's struggling with education...a little bit goes a LONG way.

If I ruled the world, dreams would come true.  In each one of us, our dream seeds are planted, and we are either crazy enough, strong enough, supported enough, ...and the seeds are watered by those around us...to have the dreams grow into a part of you...then there are some of you where your dreams keep whirling around in your mind, and there isn't a way for you to find a solution, a pathway, or simply the gumption to jump feet first and follow our dreams...

(There's that darned Eleanor Roosevelt!  Anyone else paying attention?)

What can you do about it?  Make your dreams come true my friends~Believe in yourself.  I do.  Believe in the beauty of your dreams...and failure is not an option, but in case failure comes to the surface while chasing your dreams-email me, I'll remind you who you are and be your cheerleader to keep after them.  For yesterday, today, and tomorrow are all the stepping stones you'll need to achieve what your heart desires...and your beautiful mind is the keeper of your dreams...but, don't let it be the keeper of your dreams forever...flourish and take the step to make them happen.



So my friends...as usual wordy...me...I'm not finished...just finished for this moment...because there's so much to do when you rule the world...so many people to think of...so much change to be had...to make this world a better place...will you join me?

Love Deeply, Live Out Loud, & Live Your Dash,

Pin It

Monday, June 4, 2012

Penis vs. Vagina

Boys vs. Girls

Chopping Parts Off
All three boys are in the 'middle' backseat, and they're chatting it up.  No rock goes unturned with these three.  They talked about the kids in their classes  & how I love to listen to their descriptions of these  kids and how they 'should' behave and the don't.  One of the boys says, "I don't like it when this boy named Jake pushes me real hard.  I tell him 'NO! Don't do that! and guess what he still does it!'  One of the other boys responds by saying, "Why don't you karate chop his legs off?" The 'middle' backseat roars with laughter.  I'm sure they're envisioning it.  One of them then says, "Yah, karate chop them right off, and then throw them away-then he couldn't walk or run after you to do it!"  How they find karate chopping someones legs off so they couldn't walk or run, funny-I'll never know I have a vagina.  I mean it's not even possible!  I just can't figure it, but it was a solution they could all agree on. When Yaya was little, or even me for that matter...Solutions for this would have been to remove ourselves from these creatures of trouble.  Or even greater...plaster SCP on the back of your hand!  What's this? Super Cootie Protection of course!  Then run away, because the only reason boys say those type of words to girls is because secretly they like the girl. Right?  But, when it's boys saying something to another boy, the only answer is physical-chopping off something, punching them in the 'tots', or thinking up some God awful way to make them miserable and cause excruciating pain or even death.  Thank God I got the part I got!  If I were in charge of chopping off something, I'd cringe and croak over!  I can't even take a sliver out of a finger unless it just might cause a lifetime of damage or loss of a limb.  If you cover it with a bandaid, it can just fester out.  But, these boys and what comes out of their mouth, it has to do with having a penis, and not a vagina-I'm sure of it.   

Bodily Functions & Such
Why is it that farting and force burping is as amusing as it is? Now, I'm not saying that females don't fart or burp nor am I saying that girls never find those things funny...But, boys on the other hand ma They laugh so hard that if there's anything liquid it will come out their noses, causing even more laughter to be had...by themselves.  How this has got to be a male chromosomal type of thing?  I couldn't find one photo of a girl doing this....

...they've even written an article on how it makes boys smarter.  (If you think this could benefit you, read on... http://thefranklakereport.wordpress.com/2010/11/12/farting-makes-boys-smarter/
My point being, my boys who've been taught to be respectful of themselves and others, find that lifting ones buttocks, to release either a 'silent but deadly', or 'you smelt it you dealt it', or 'burn your nose hairs right out' kind of fart to immediately bring laughter to the surface besides the toxic 'gases' released into the atmosphere...But, most entertaining to each of them is to 'plant' a fart on an unsuspecting victim.  That my friends...sends them into hysteria!  Then I'm trying to correct this behavior, as I can see this happening all the while Emily Post has to be turning in her grave on this one!  Then there's the gulping of air, or as quickly as possible downing soda, or again one of the chromosomal facts that the boys have genetically driving them to force burp...and the laughter that follows this bodily function...There's the 'that was not a fake burp-burp' followed by an 'oops I just got caught 'excuse me' then snicker; There's the 'I just burped the Guiness Book of World Records burp & there's no getting outta this one, but it was so worth it-Brother go ahead and try to top that one' burp.  Or the 'burp-blow into brothers face'.  That's a good one!  Nobody tells you that you must take a refereeing course to be a parent of boys...but, it's a must.

Now, to be honest-For a span of time, I did try to learn to burp on purpose, and wasn't lucky enough to master the skill, let alone even get to burp on accident-on purpose.  AND For the record the attempts were feeble, as I lost interest in trying, it was gross! 

Now, if you think that I don't enjoy the boys and their antics...I do...I actually love them and their antics...it's amusing and sometimes leaves me scratching my head...But, that's the beauty of it all...and the difference between boys and girls...a penis vs. vagina...a fart and passing gas...a burp followed by an excuse me...and that sort of thing...

Love Deeply, Live Out Loud, & Live Your Dash,

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