HUNGER. I agree with T, every person on this planet should be able to fill their bellies with delicious and healthy food whenever the growl of hunger hits. Each of us has the power to help one another, either by volunteering to help at a food bank if you are low on cash. Or cleaning out your pantry and donating a thing or two. This is something that most of us remember at times like the holidays, but people are hungry all year round. So if you are "Spring Cleaning" your children's rooms, or garage, maybe "Spring Clean" your pantry too and take the goodies to the local food bank. Start a food drive with a local group you are affiliated with. Girl or Boy Scouts, Moms of the Hills, Your Child's School, Your Office, etc. I used to do this, and I personally have lacked on this subject since we have moved from our home town...but I need a kick in the pants to get moving on this myself.
CLOTHING. There have been times where I have volunteered at our sons school and seen children with shoes that don't fit, or going to school in the rain with no jacket. In one incident when our son was in kindergarten, I pulled the teacher aside and asked her to find out what size shoes the boy wore so that I could anonymously purchase him a pair of shoes. What do you know? The boy showed up at school the following week with a new pair of kicks.
The first year our son attended his current school, I noticed a child had a pair of shoes with a hole in the toe. I came home and told my husband about it, and came up with an idea to fund raise for kids that need these things. I made a meeting with the principal, and she told me that their school had a "budget" for backpacks, shoes, jackets etc and that it was up to the teachers to let her know when they saw someone in need. She asked me if I knew who the boy was so she could "take care it". No, I had no idea who the boy was! We just started to attend this school and had no way to let her know, so I struck out, but not for lack of trying. Sometimes all it takes is being aware of what's around us, and the people around us.
NO BULLYING IS ACCEPTABLE! There is no bullying acceptable in any situation. There is a difference between picking and bullying. It is ridiculous that others depend on treating people like crap to boost their own self esteem. I was a victim of bullying during my elementary school years, because I was overweight. OK, yeah I was a chubba wubba. However by high school, I had started to thin out and there were still a few incidents. On graduation night a boy from our class actually pulled me aside and apologized for being such a jerk to me. I am over the bullying, but when you are a child it really affects your self confidence. The sad part is that bullying is much easier due to modern technology, the computer and cell phones. It is up to us to make sure that our children are A) not a victim of bullying or B) Are NOT the bully.
LONELINESS. I agree with T. Loneliness is not an emotion anyone should feel. I think alot of the time, people can avoid feeling lonely by reaching out. Reach out to friends, or family members. If someone is not around, then maybe to a Senior Center or somewhere where they can meet new people. Pick up the telephone. Take a road trip to see someone you care about. Don't let yourself become a victim to loneliness. Besides, if you can take the time to help others out you will meet other people with like interests and kick your loneliness in the batootie.
EDUCATION. My feeling is it is up to us as parents, aunts, uncles, and friends to be active in our children's education. Unfortunately in my experience to date, with budget cut backs, etc teachers have their hands tied with how much educational material they have to provide to our children in a short amount of time. And how about how large classrooms are these days? So many students per class, which is more difficult for the one teacher to spread themselves thin and try to educate each child to their ability. So it is up to us to pick up the slack, where the children need to learn math skills, practice their spelling etc. Jump in, and donate what materials your teacher cannot afford to help make educating our children easier. Just a thought.
On another education note, I also believe you are never too or too young old for an education. I don't just mean college, but if college is your goal then by all means get to it! I think that education comes in all shapes and sizes: you can learn hands on, from reading, from others, and of course at school. If you're someone that wants to become a doctor or a dentist, of course a college education is in your future. But if you are going to be a boutique owner, or a barista then you may have another educational path. You are never too old to learn and everyone isn't cut out for college. Don't look down on yourself if that is not your path...embrace where you are meant to be and run with it!
Look, I am not a saint and I don't claim to be in the least. Believe me, I can be better at some of these things myself. I am not perfect and I can do more. We can all do more. I never intended to rule the world, but we can all make a change. A small change could be a good place to start. Or just thinking about it can be the start of making a difference. Don't go beyond your means, financially or emotionally but sometimes all it takes is a kick in the right direction. At least for me. :-)
***And it could just be "giving someone or giving a cause" your doesn't always mean financially.**
Embrace Your Sparkle,
B Pin It
Great ideas B! I enjoyed reading your blog, reminded me to reach out more to others in need.
ReplyDeleteThanks Stephanie! I think we all need a reminder sometimes, me included :-)
ReplyDeleteGood one Bee! I think you have some wonderful ideas and have done some wonderful things...from your heart! Embrace your sparkle Sweetheart! I love you!