Although inviting to live in perfect harmony, somehow I don't think that a coke would do it these days.
If I ruled the world, there would be no world hunger.
How can you make the difference? You can donate even 1 can of food at a food drive, every little bit helps someone else. You can make a contribution to an organization like: Or give your time at times of need with your local agencies who need man power to make things happen. There is always something you can do.
This IS in your backyards people...Be the change.
If I ruled the world, there would be no bully's on the playgrounds, neighborhoods, day cares, or any which place on our planet.
What can you do to make a difference? You can stand up for people who you're witness to this happening. You can have a voice in times when someone has lost theirs, or has never had the strength before, or maybe never has had someone in their lives to be the difference...You could be it! The power of ONE is beyond measurement. You can teach your children, your nieces, your nephews, your neighbor...You have the power to change today!
If I ruled the world, there would be no loneliness. Time changes us all. We grow older and there are times when we think we're wiser from life's experiences, and maybe we are...But, with what we've learned why don't we do more with it? I know there are many elderly who're sitting alone full of knowledge of yesterday, and the yesterday's before that...Full of OUR history.
What can you do about growing older? When that history is gone...It's gone for good. Why not have a seat next to one of the most beautiful people in the world (see above the beauty) and Cherish the history that is 'his' story to tell...find someone to be an active listener to, it will be good for you and good for them...the gift of yesterday is just as worthy as today's gift. We wouldn't have this quote if someone wasn't paying attention to Eleanor Roosevelt to begin with.
If I ruled the world, education would provide beyond what is 'expected'...I'm a strong believer in knowledge is power. Power as in strength...thus providing more of you with a fulfillment that you can change the world....Education is so incredibly valuable, and it seems as if it is taken so lightly, with no thought-because it just is. What if we had no education system put in place? What would happen? Would you do more bartering, and trading? Would you be able to maintain a lifestyle, let alone, a life the way you 'feel' you are worth? Would it change worth and 'status' to be defined as something other than we know it today? Think about it...How much are you willing to invest into your future? I can tell you that your education is worth so incredibly much...and if you're lucky enough to have certain book wisdom's come your way naturally, what a gift it would be to share with someone who is struggling.
Read the Staggering! Facts...either by clicking the link, or somehow enlarging the photo...sad truth is, we are evolving...that we are sure of-But, do we like where we're headed? Make a difference in our future dentists, doctors, highway patrol, grocery store clerks, computer technicians, arborists, exterminators, and on and on...How can you do 1 thing that will make a change in someones life who's struggling with education...a little bit goes a LONG way.
If I ruled the world, dreams would come true. In each one of us, our dream seeds are planted, and we are either crazy enough, strong enough, supported enough, ...and the seeds are watered by those around have the dreams grow into a part of you...then there are some of you where your dreams keep whirling around in your mind, and there isn't a way for you to find a solution, a pathway, or simply the gumption to jump feet first and follow our dreams...
What can you do about it? Make your dreams come true my friends~Believe in yourself. I do. Believe in the beauty of your dreams...and failure is not an option, but in case failure comes to the surface while chasing your dreams-email me, I'll remind you who you are and be your cheerleader to keep after them. For yesterday, today, and tomorrow are all the stepping stones you'll need to achieve what your heart desires...and your beautiful mind is the keeper of your dreams...but, don't let it be the keeper of your dreams forever...flourish and take the step to make them happen.
So my usual'm not finished...just finished for this moment...because there's so much to do when you rule the many people to think much change to be make this world a better place...will you join me?
Love Deeply, Live Out Loud, & Live Your Dash,
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T~you have sometimes come up with ideas and thoughts that I am amazed at! Thank you for making us all think of these things that are in our lives but not often mentioned. I love you!