Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thanks for finding me

Celebration Reasons~Reasons to Celebrate
I love any reason to celebrate.  Celebrate today, celebrate my people, celebrate my family, celebrate St. Patty's Day, celebrate 4th of July, celebrate what-ever I can...here's a link if you need a reason today to celebrate.


When this time to celebrate, me came along...I wanted to still celebrate my family and friends...I feel as if they reflect little mosaic pieces of myself by who they are.  To some this might not make a bit of sense, but to me it is how I color my world.  I admired those around me as my friends started to arrive - and I felt so loved. Each of them so incredibly different, yet connected not only through me - But, by traits, traces, and triumphs that each one of them have or have experienced.  It is one of those moments when I had to ask myself - How did I get to be so fortunate?  There is never enough time for me to spend with my friends, and time marches on - I either can turn up the volume and take the lead - or in this case, sit back and watch as my lil mosaics take charge. 

I think that B was right when she spoke words that there'd be new friendships established.  I'd like to think that I'd take it up a notch and say those who were acquaintances just might hug or high five next time, and the ones who've been fortunate enough to know one another forever and a day were there to liven up the ride reminded of their comfort zones and in some cases stretching it just enough and enjoying what was at the other end...TRUTH:  Life is beautiful. FACT:  But, not as beautiful as my friends....

Limo Excursion & "The Nugget"
If I didn't have the Vodka Crew with me....Nugget would have gone by another name that day.

TRUTH:  My friends like vodka.  FACT:  They love it so much, they all bought some at the store, and then claimed they didn't know the other bought some also...

The Limo ride was half the fun.  The conversations that ensued, I only wish that I was a part of each one...There was convo about how I knew each person (I repeated this throughout the day, and as the wine consumption continued, my stories changed [on purpose] to add some excitement for myself.  Not a soul questioned me.  Sorry if you all find out I gave you different occupations, ways I met you, and so forth...Should make the wedding that much more entertaining.)

The ladies were singing, talking, saluting, taking crotch shots, windows up/windows down, laughing, and having a great time.  I again took several moments to look around and see my beauties having a good time, and in typical fashion - wished it were more often.  It's never enough time with any of them....
TRUTH:  Madonna's "Like a Virgin" blasted. The Nugget laughed loud enough that I heard him over my friends, all the way in the waaaay back seat.
FACT:  Not one of these ladies is a virgin. Some weren't even born when the song came out. But, every single one of them sang along, at the top of their lungs.  It was beautiful.

Loading and unloading in the limo was a feat that I think we tackled head on...for this rowdy group of friends, we didn't do too bad. 
TRUTH:  We were for the most part on time  FACT:  The Nugget, got the most crotch shots...his height challenge, was an advantage.

The Nugget not only went to bat...But, like one person said, it was like he was a little chihuahua with a big bite.  He notified the only visually attractive, just doing my job fella with his lil mad dog persona that he wouldn't be bringing anyone else here on his on accord.
TRUTH:  I didn't like Domain Chandon anyhow... FACT:  I certainly will stick to Mumm....AND NEVER GO TO DOMAIN~EVER!

Musical friends...Yes, it's true I'm the mother of rules.  I told them they must sit with someone else-Always pushing the envelope, but in a T kinda way.  I don't think they listened to me after a while, but it worked in the beginning. 

Wine Tasting
TRUTH:  I love wine tasting  FACT:  I couldn't tell you that day much about any of the vintages, except for one~So, not focused on the wine...just my friends.
Berringer was the first stop on the arranged list.  Thanks to one of my friends, they were able to hook us up there and we did have a wonderful time-My shout out to thank you for setting it up~You know who you are.  It was a first for some, and others it was old hat.  The special treat there was that my girlfriend who set up the tasting - Her family's grapes are used in one of the vintages that we tasted, and if I had to remember anything about the wines~I do remember that specific tasting, and it was spectacular.  The photo below is of that tasting.

People were mingling and learning new things about one another.  Some were admiring the grounds and a few made the trek to the bathroom....ALL the stinking way upstairs!  Remember my heels?

Rutherford Grove, was a nice addition to the trek, I'd never had been there before and certainly will be returning.  A thank you to my girlfriends who brought the goodies to snack on, you know who you are.  And another special thank you to the one who set up this tasting!!  Indeed while we were there the creepy man that needed to borrow my i-Phone charger took our group photo.  So, instead of asking us to say, "CHEESE" for the photo prompt, he said say, "Vibrator"...TRUTH:  Well, that set everyone who heard him off on another tangent. FACT:  I just may have said "Size D Battery" instead, that's if I'm being honest.

Our third stop was Andretti Winery...truly breath taking location.  Maybe it was because we had started our day with mimosas, than wine tasting, and everything in between...But, I do want to return here.  The art exhibit wasn't a favorite, because it wasn't something I'd buy.  But, I did choose two pieces I liked that were displays of positive and negative space.  I just didn't like the others...disarray on canvas...my life's canvas can have so much disarray in it already, that I'm good without admiring it as a piece of art.

The day was working out to be just an incredible display of those who surrounded me...I was blessed.  Than it happened-The table...These crazies!  (And why I love them.)  The discussion went from zero to a million in a minute.  They were all over the place...Fear could be a word that set in for some.  For the others, they are now reading 50 Shades of Grey...and the next wine tasting experience, I can only imagine.  There was topics of discussion that were going on that I'm more than certain would have never escaped the lips of these ladies...but, this round table brought it out of them...TRUTH:  Things were said that could turn heads anywhere else.  FACT:  I think we scared the wine educators away, I mean we ended up with three different ones.  The poor last girl told us she cried several times throughout the day, until she got to us.  Poor thing, I hope she gets a teaching job.

End of Day~Kept on Going...For Some it was a Sleepover
It was the end of our transportation, and there were some who couldn't stay longer, and others who were probably ready to go home after the last stop with these crazies!  But, there were ones who stayed, and as we got dropped off downtown...had a tequila shot, and a few snacks...NO dinner! More alcohol, dancing, discussions, and disruption...We all had a good time. 

In the morning, I was looking through some of the photos with a friend, and she said "OH GOD! It's like The Hangover, looking at the photos this morning!  I don't remember THAT!"  I made this collage for you to only get a sweet clip-into our lives...as I can only say...with tears in my eyes...that I am grateful for each one of you~More than you'll ever know.

So, if you take anything from this blog...take a moment to reflect on your friends.  You have chosen them for reasons...love them-daily.

TRUTH:  Thanks for finding me...over and over...and over again.  FACT:  I can never repay you for who you are to me.  I promise to keep loving you, with all of my heart.

For those of you who missed out...All I can say is being the opportunist I am...Let's go AGAIN!

See you all July 14th...ready to make more memories....& a special thank you to each of you for being there.

Love Deeply, Live Out Loud, & Live Your Dash,

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  1. Fantastic, and definitely a day for the books! I can't wait for July 14 :-)

  2. So grateful to be included and to meet and share with you all :) Anne

  3. And I know what you were talking about at that table now!!! You didn't have me fooled for one minute! Now, I too am thankful for your friends and I love you more than you love every one of them! Blessings to each and every one of you for being part of the Bride's life! XO MOM

  4. wow what a wonderful day and what great friends you introduced all of us to

  5. TC stole a friend of mine so I'm stealing 10 of hers!

    I loved the day, loved the ladies, LOVED the conversations, and will continue to love the memories for a lifetime.

    xoxo Tara

  6. Only you Ms. TC could bring this eclectic group of women together and make everyone look forward to seeing one another again! I can't wait to visit and get to know each one of them better.

    I loved each and everyone of your beautiful people.

    So blessed to get to be a part of it all!!!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE you!!!

    xoxo LaDonna

  7. Brittaney DondanvilleJuly 3, 2012 at 9:24 PM

    What a great blog and photos!
