Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Truth is...

Some Truths...Like the kids say.

Truth is-Top Gun was and still is one of my favorite movies...

Maverick was Smokin' Hott. But, Iceman was even hotter!

Truth is...Not so much by today's standards...

Truth is...I used cherry Lip Lickers, back in my day...

Truth is....These day's I use Sexy Mother Pucker!

Truth sister and I looked like this when we were little...

Truth is...We look like this these days...

Truth is....When I was a kid I liked Hanna Barbera Cartoons....

Truth if I watched cartoons, I'd watch Franklin or Little Bear...NOT Spongebob or Calliou!

Truth is...when I was a kid, I was a babysitter.

Truth is...these days...I NEED a babysitter!

Truth is...I ate whatever I wanted and whenever I wanted...when I was in my youth.

Truth is....Today I am watching my calorie intake...(Dang it! I forgot to log in!)

Truth is...I always wanted to be a parent and love my family...I acutally dreamt about it as a child...

Truth is...As a parent I now dream about holding onto those dreams that have already happened...and look forward to the ones ahead of me...

Truth is...I used to write letters when I was younger....

Truth is...I facebook

Truth is...when I was younger...I believed in Santa

Truth is....Now I love him

Truth is...I wanted life to change for me...I wanted to doors to be flung open and ready for me...I was ready to leave the nest...Ready to leave my lil Po-Dunk town

Truth every time I 'have' to leave I can't wait to go my 'hometown'

Truth is...I love my lil sister, and lil brother so incredibly much...they mean the world to me. I feel so 'at home' as long as I am with matter if we're standing on the soil of where we were in the 'front' room celebrating a birthday or holiday with them in one of their homes...Home is where the heart is. Ain't that the truth?


...and now....

Truth time has changed for me...and I have changed right along with it...I can't help but think that I'm better for the changes that I've experienced. I love my family, my friends, and the love of my life. I couldn't of asked for a better life. Times have been tough, challenging, difficult, hard, triumphant, brilliant, beautiful, inspirational, and a whole lot more....and if you add of these things together you get me. What touches your heart today may not stay forever, and those who do- consider yourself blessed...for today is a gift and that is the honest truth.

Love Deeply, Live Out Loud & LIVE YOUR DASH!!,

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1 comment:

  1. Truth is....I love you and your sister and brother! More than anything! You are my life...and my truth...and my everything! Thank each of you for being who you are.
