Thursday, February 2, 2012

Do you have a closet full of clothes & nothing to wear? Me too!

Fashion. Clothes. What Not to Wear...You've probably put two and two together and figured out that I love it all!  However I have to admit since we have had our second child and I have become a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom), I feel as if my fashion sense has gone to the wayside.  I'm not sure what to do about this.  On the days I wear jeans and hoodie I feel comfortable going to & from school and hanging out at home, but when I go out of our small town city limits I feel schlumpy.  But on the days I dress up nicer than usual I feel over-dressed taking our son to school since I am not officially going to an office or work outside of the home.  I'm feeling like a border-line a candidate for What Not to Wear, and have become a worthy target for Stacey and Clinton to restyle..hint, hint friends. 

Most of us have had a personal style at one time or another.  Rockstar, Sexy, Studious, Practical....I'd like to think that ten years ago I was pretty fashionable.  I was working full time and moving along with my career, wearing cute office attire during the day and rocking my club-wear on the weekends when we went out on the town.  Maragaritas or a Wild Orchid anyone?  Now would it be appropriate to rock club-wear these days?  Uh, no way!  I can only imagine showing up at our sons school in a mini skirt and a "shirt on a rope" (leopard no less) with some stilettos.  Wow, insert the evil eye here.  Hey, it was fun time in my life...Let a girl relish her memories here.  And don't judge, we have all had a wild hair here or there, even if you won't admit it I will!

When we moved out of state six years ago, I envisioned us buying a ranch somewhere in the "sticks" and I would be happy dressing in my jeans with a hoodie and boots.  I wouldn't know anyone there and therefore I wouldn't feel like I had to dress up to anyones standards.  However I am not so sure I would have lasted long with that either....I may have been sporting some heels and sparkles that would've shocked the farm animals I thought we might have had in this lifestyle!

Isn't it funny how we put these labels on ourselves?  I know I buy into the fashion magazines, and gossip mags for reference on what is "in" at the time.  Is it really that important how you dress anyway?  I think it is not important for what others think, if you are dressed appropriate for the occasion and you feel confident. We all deserve to feel the beauty within, because when you do it shines on the outside too!  I do know that I feel better according to how I think I look in the mirror that morning.  True statement,  I can have a closet full of clothes and still have a hard time finding something to wear.  I've even been known to raid my husbands closet for one of his hoodies depending on my mood.  Why is this?  What goes off in our heads that makes a shirt look good one day, and not on another?  It had to look good at one point for you to actually purchase it right?

Clothing can and should be considered as an investment.  An investment in your career, your image, or your self confidence.  I believe in the power of a little black skirt and white pressed shirt.  Not to be confused with cocktail waitress attire, that outfit should also include some pizzazz.  Like some red heels or bling of your choice!  At one point I wanted to have a personal shopper business where I helped people re-create their looks, ahhh, a dream.  Do you need help with accessorizing?  Deciding which shoes to wear with those red jeans? Look me up, suggestions free of charge!

2012 is the year I am going to work on reinventing my personal style, and get back the sense of self confidence I used to rock. I have been using My Fitness Pal to get back into shape (reference our earlier blogs) and I am going to find an appropriate day to day wardrobe for my current job as a SAHM.  In the meantime, friends, if Stacey & Clinton show up on my doorstep I will be forever grateful.  Hint Hint...

Embrace Your Sparkle,

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